
2007, 3:30 min, colour, silent, with english subtitles

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© Exhibitions view
People observed from a distance. They amble, walk without any apparent goal, or jog. They seem unencumbered, like tourists or families out for a Sunday stroll in the park. The site that they traverse, however, is simply an empty, bright surface. Only the paths are sketchily indicated, a strict geometric plan. All of the sounds are also erased, and thereby possible indications of the location. Prelude is a playful and likewise concentrated hidden image picture that offers numerous references to other media, such as photography and architecture, to other epochs of the moving image, and to new technologies.

The people and their hinted-at surroundings seem just as transparent and pale as Walter Niedermayr’s photographs of the Titlis glacier in Switzerland. Here, rather than the ski area, we are dealing with what is certainly a different leisure area: a pedestrian zone or a park. The space emerges solely through the movements and behaviour of the people passing through it. Its “invisibility” makes it that much clearer as a frame of reference. Fragments of dialogue as subtitles recall the narrative element of early cinema, as though bits of conversations snatched from passersby, which nonetheless remain just as mysterious as the site and thereby the context of the setting.

Prelude is the name of a self-teaching conversation program that works with pattern recognition, or random generators. Perhaps the title of the video is not just an indication of how the dialogue was created, but also stands for the design of an interactive system, for example here, of spaces, patterns of movement, and communication, illustrating the blending of real and virtual components at one of our era’s many non-sites.

(Andrea Pollach; Translation: Lisa Rosenblatt)

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© Video stills

Kunst am Bau

Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck
Digi-prints on streched canvas, 371 x 212 cm, 2008

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© Kunst am Bau Wettbewerb, Oberlandesgericht Innsbruck, 2008, Photo: Werner Kopp

[VIDEO]: Prelude

Exhibitions: • Fresh Trips, Gallery Area53, Wien/Vienna, A 2009 • Looking inside. Interiors, The Centre of Art of the Museum of Mataró, Mataró, ES 2009 • Prelude*), Hafen2 | interim.projekte, Offenbach am Main, D 2010

Festivals: • Diagonale - Festival des österr. Films, Graz, A 2008 • Experiments in Cinema V.3.0, Albuquerque, USA 2008 • Festival of New Film and Video, Split, HR 2008 • Int. Media Art Biennale, Warschau/Wroclaw, PL 2009

Video distribution:

No: 07-007


Hafen 2/ interim.projekte, Offenbach am Main
21.02. - 05.04.2010
Curated by Hortense Pisano

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© Exhibition view: Prelude*), Hafen2 | interim.projekte, Offenbach am Main, 2010.
Photo: Eduardo Perez

Die Einzelausstellung Prelude*) der österreichischen Künstlerin Annja Krautgasser (*1971) bildet den Auftakt zur neuen Themenreihe „words&sounds“ im Hafen 2 in Offenbach am Main. Erstmals in Deutschland werden die Arbeiten der Künstlerin in einem eigens dazu geschaffenen Rahmen präsentiert. Neben der raumgreifenden Installation Dashed II werden ausgewählte Videoarbeiten vorgestellt.
Das Abrufen von Erinnerung an öffentliche Orte, die Verräumlichung von Sprache, sowie umgekehrt die Visualisierung von Filmdialogen in Form von Textauszügen sind jene Themen, die sich wie eine Art roter Faden durch die Ausstellung Prelude*) ziehen. Oft vernetzt Annja Krautgasser die zivilisatorischen Mnemotechniken Sprache, Schrift und Film mit den
gegenwärtigen Speichermöglichkeiten mobiler Technologien. So wandelt die Künstlerin in ihrer Installation Dashed II etwa das Gebrauchsmedium Handy in ein Kunstwerk um, das eine akustische wie auch eine visuell veränderte Wahrnehmung beim Betrachter einfordert.
(Hortense Pisano)

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© Exhibition view: Prelude*), Hafen2 | interim.projekte, Offenbach am Main, 2010.
Photo: Eduardo Perez

Dashed II
2005, mediale installation, mobile phones

Fragments - 80 keywords about dating
2008-2010, HD 16:9, 15 min

2007, 3:30 min

Innerer Monolog
2008, 6:30 min



Schauraum Angewandte - quartier 21 im MQ
22.05. - 19.07.2015
Curatiert by Tommy Schneider and Ruth Schnell
Special Thanks to Gerhard Fuchs

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© Cardboard figures

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© Video still Prelude

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© Showcase view, video installation | cardboard sculpture

Retrieving memories in public places, spatializing language, as well as adapting and integrating film sequences and dialogues, are all themes that run like a red thread through Annja Krautgasser’s works.

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© Showcase view, video installation | cardboard sculpture

"The video work Prelude depicts a picture puzzle that is playful and sharply focused at the same time. It offers numerous references to other media such as photography, architecture, other eras of moving pictures or to new technologies. The staged room comes into being solely through the motions of people pacing it and their behavior becomes all the more apparent as a frame of reference though its ‘invisibility’." (Andrea Pollach)

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© Side view, with view behind the showcase

modell for the cardboard sculpture

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© Plug-in system for the cardboard plates

1:1 calculations by Christoph Fuchs

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