Born 1971 in Hall, Tyrol. Lives und works in Vienna. Studied architecture at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck and at the Vienna University of Technology, graduated in 1998. Studied visual media at the University of Applied Arts Vienna, graduated in 2002. Numerous media and video installations in Austria and internationally.

Exhibitions (Selection): I can’t stand the quiet! (Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 2011), Giants ans Mosquitoes (Salzburger Kunstverein, Kabinett, Salzburg 2011), Asymmetrical Focus (Galerie Stadtpark, Krems 2009), CINEPLEX (Secession, Wien 2009), Translation is a mode. (Kunstraum Niederösterreich, Wien 2010), Recent Changes - Änderungen vorbehalten (Galerie 5020, Salzburg 2008).

Numerous festival participations.

Artist-in-Residencies in London, Los Angeles (MAK Schindler), Paliano (I), Amsterdam (NL) and Cesky Krumlov (BMUKK Auslandsstipendium Krumau, CZ), Glurns (I).

Government Scholarship for Fine Art 2009.
Würlinger Award 2010.
RLB Art Award 2010.
Hildegard Goldschmidt Award 2011.
Award of the City of Innsbruck, 2012.
Paul Flora Award 2017.